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Play the NEW video game from
Can Pruna!

At Can Pruna we have prepared an interactive game for you to wait for yours Children's Menu in the most fun way!


Meet Mâia, an adventurous girl who wants to get to our restaurant, but first, she has to find the 14 magic medals hidden in the maze.

Your challenge is to collect all the medals and get to Can Pruna before your menu arrives on the table.

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The story begins right at the entrance to the labyrinth, where we meet Mâia, a very adventurous girl who must find the 14 magical coins hidden all over the map, and finally reach the Can Pruna restaurant.

The challenge we propose is to help her find all the coins before your Children's Menu arrives on the table.

Will you make it?

The Can Pruna video game is full of hidden details that make the gaming experience unique.


Now, you can visit the farmhouse in a completely new world, which will gradually grow, becoming the new play space for the little ones in the house. Discover Can Pruna as you've never seen it before!

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