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Privacy Policy

Què és?

Can Pruna Privacy Policy

Can Pruna's Privacy Policy responds to all restaurant services and this affects Can Pruna's media, social media, email accounts, website and the restaurant's own services as stated in the article corresponding to the Privacy Policy. File: What happens when you accept the Can Pruna Privacy Policy?

@ Gmail accounts

Gmail email account registration:

The management of reservations and online services of the company is confidential in its entirety since the customer attaches their contact information and other confidential data. Our access to the email addresses is 100% confidential and is limited in time from the moment the customer data is accessed. The company can consult, edit, transfer and send data between company accounts in order to help or improve the online service for the customer. He accepts the terms of the Company's Privacy Policy in the field (I have read and accept the terms of Can Pruna's privacy policy. More information at ) Which you can find before any booking inquiry on the same website Restaurant Can Pruna is not responsible for the access of data entering and leaving the company's online services, nor is it responsible for messages and emails that do not arrive correctly in Gmail and Hotmail (Outlook) accounts canpruna.clients @ and . You can use our services in different ways to manage your privacy. For example, if you want to create and manage content, such as emails and photos, or view more relevant search results, you can sign up for a Google Account. You can also use a variety of Google services once you have signed out of your account or just created one, such as searching Google or viewing the website.



Telephone numbers

When you register your phone number with our online services:

The reservation service is recommended by telephone and therefore there is a permanent record of registered telephone numbers along with a (name) and (email address) for each customer ... The company maintains this record 24 hours margin from moment of registration, where we can access, edit, send or transfer information between stories, as long as it is an improvement for customer service. After the margin time, the phone will be archived, but there will never be access to it, except in cases where the information is recorded for any query from the time of registration until the end of the event.

(Access will only be for necessary actions) The company is not responsible for the loss of data or reservations mismanaged by users who do not know the official telephone number of the premises ( 937640670 ). In addition, it is not responsible for users who do not declare themselves in accordance with the Privacy Policy provided by the company when using the call service in the box: (I have read and accept the conditions of the privacy policy More information at

When you register information with a Google service:

We collect information to provide the best services to all our users: from determining basic information, such as the language you speak, to more complex data, such as the ads that will be most useful to you, the people that interest you most, or YouTube videos you might like. The type of information Google collects and how that information is used depends on how you use our services and how you manage your privacy controls.

If you are not yet signed in to a Google Account, we store the information we collect with unique identifiers linked to the browser, application, or device you use. This allows us, for example, to maintain your language preferences in all browsing sessions. If you are identified, we also collect information that we store in your Google Account, which we treat as personal information.




Registration of addresses and / or locations:

Access to addresses and locations is completely confidential, so address traffic is not passed on to any outside business. The company is not responsible for users and stories that do not accept the privacy policy of Can Pruna, including before each management and shipping to the box of: (I have read and accept the conditions of the privacy policy of Can Pruna More information at user. You can use our services in different ways to manage your privacy. For example, if you want to create and manage content, such as emails and photos, or view more relevant search results, you can sign up for a Google Account. You can also use a variety of Google services once you've signed out of your account or just created one, such as searching Google or watching videos on YouTube. You can also browse the Internet privately in Chrome in incognito mode. In addition, you can adjust the privacy settings in all of our services to control the information we collect and how we use it.



Google cookies or cookies

How Google uses cookies:

A cookie is a small piece of text that websites you visit send to your browser. Help websites remember information about your visit, such as your preferred language and other configuration options. This will make your next visit easier and more useful. Cookies play an important role, as without them using the web would be a much more frustrating experience.

We use cookies for many purposes. We use them, for example, to remember your safe search preferences, to make the ads you see more relevant based on your interests, to count how many visitors we receive on a page, to help you during the registration process. our services, to protect your information and to remember yours  ad settings .

You can consult a list of  types of cookies used by Google  and also get information about how Google and our partners use it on  advertising . A la  privacy policy explains how we protect your privacy when we use cookies and other information.



Google protection

We use different technologies to process information for these purposes. We use automated systems that analyze your content to provide you with personalized search results, personalized ads, or other features tailored to the way you use our services. We also analyze your content for abuse, such as spam, malware, and illegal content. We also use algorithms to recognize patterns in data. For example, Google Translate helps users communicate in different languages by detecting common language patterns in the sentences you are asked to translate.

We may combine the information we collect through our services and all of your devices for the above purposes. For example, if you play videos of guitarists on YouTube, we might show you an ad for guitar lessons on a website that uses our advertising products. Depending on your account settings, your activity on other websites and other applications may be associated with your information to improve the Google services and ads we show you.

If other users already have your email address or other identifying information, we may show them your publicly visible Google Account information, such as your name and photo. This allows, for example, users to identify the emails you send them. We will ask for your consent before using your information for any purpose not included in this Privacy Policy. You can consult the  Google Privacy Policy  to learn about Google's general operating system regulations.


Data access and admission rights.

The Can Pruna Privacy Policy reserves the right to admit anyone who does not comply with the regulations of the restaurant, as well as those who do not carry out a proper visit to the Can Pruna Restaurant, therefore access may not be required. at the same time if the authorized personnel do not see it clearly. The restaurant is obliged to comply with all regulations external to the restaurant imposed by force majeure, as is the case of the Generalitat de Catalunya, therefore the restaurant may require customers to comply with certain regulations, including those that require the submission of documents, images or personal information of each client.  


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Què és la Política de Privacitat?
    La Política de Privacitat és un document digital que té l'objectiu de protegir les dades de caràcter personal que es recullen a certs llocs web, per tal de millorar el servei dels visitants i impedir un mal ús d'aquestes dades.
  • Què passa quan acceptes la Política de Privacitat de Can Pruna?
    Quan acceptes la Política de Privacitat de Can Pruna, ens autoritzes a consultar la informació que afegeixes a qualsevol dels nostres serveis Online, com poden ser les nostres contes de correu electrònic, el nostre lloc web, les xarxes socials o el servei telefònic. La teva informació no serà mai pública i només es podrà accedir a ella en un periode de 24h o fins que finalitzi el servei pel quan s'ha donat.
  • Què passa si no accepto la Política de Privacitat?
    Si no acceptes la Política de Privacitat de Can Pruna, voldrà dir que estas en desacord amb les condicions de la Política i per tant el l'ús que li donem a les teves dades, és per això que no podràs accedir a alguns dels serveis principals que facilitem de manera Online. Hi ha altres serveis en canvi que no requereixen l'acceptació de la nostra Política de Privacitat, com és el cas de les consultes i reserves telefòniques.
  • Com puc reservar una taula sense acceptar la Política de Privacitat?
    Si vols reservar la teva taula i estas en desacord amb la Política de Privacitat de Can Pruna, pots utilitzar el nostre servei telefònic trucant-nos al 937640670, la informació de la reserva no requereix d'una conta de Gmail.
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